The Tao of “Going Poo-less”
Shower dharma for COVID times
Shower Dharma
Under the right conditions, would you consider giving up shampoo?
I am in my third week without it, and my experiments with shampoo alternatives — baking soda and apple cider vinegar in my case — have been interesting and rewarding on multiple levels.
I’ve learned, for example, that I don’t need the sudsy lather of shampoo to get my hair clean. Baking soda and vinegar, with some tweaking of amounts, do a good job of cleaning my head and hair. Shampoo lather is a nice experience but it’s not necessary, and if you don’t believe me, I don’t blame you! I didn’t believe it either when I first started this poo-less experiment.
For me, realizing how conditioned I was to believe that I needed the lather was worth the time and energy of breaking the shampoo habit.
So much of life is habit.
And considering how much of our lives is spent caring for the body — washing it, grooming it, clothing it, feeding it, resting it, and medicating it — questioning our behavioral and perceptual habits in this area can lead us to uncover some very deep conditioning, which can lead us to deep insight about ourselves and the world.